The main focus for the
Africa Overland Network is to link past, current and future independent overland websites. As a result, the website has captured journey time, primary route and vehicle choice. It is currently the most updated website dedicated to independent overlanders. As a result, the statistics on vehicle choice and travel time tell an interesting story.
Leading up to 2010, the Land Rover was the preferred vehicle of choice for the overlander. There were a number of reason why Land Rover was the preferred vehicle: Majority of trip started from the North and headed South across Africa. The cost of equipping a Land Rover was generally cheaper in the Northern hemisphere due to the availability of spare parts, overland accessories and certified mechanics.
Toyota was catching up - with the cost of the vehicle, availability of spares and accessories, the landscape was changing... The Toyota Land Cruiser was becoming affordable, and offered an alternative to Land Rover.
You can read all about Land Rover vs Toyota in the 2010 report:
Which Overlander?
Big Changes in 2011
This year has been an interesting one... two big highlights have occurred that are worth mentioning.