
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Forum Statistics 2013 to 2014

In 2013, the media focused on "Overland Travel", with various vehicle manufacturers using overland travel to prove new vehicles (i.e. Land Rover / Range Rover) and in the USA, "overland" was a buzzword with plenty of new brands attempting to capitalize on the overland journey rather than the destination.
Google Image Search: Overland Travel Forum
Twitter and Facebook websites boomed with new Followers and Likes, whilst the traditional forums hummed with new users and topics.
"A sense of virtual community often develops around forums that have regular users." Wikipedia
Over the last two years I have annually recorded various internet forums, monitoring the user growth, thread count and active posts numbers. You can read the 2011 and 2012 overland forum stats via previous blog posts.

In this post, I summarize the numbers from February 2013 to January 2014.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

All4Adventure - Australian TV Series

Do you have any favourite 4x4 TV show?  Australia certainly has a fair share of good broadcast quality 4x4 TV series - everything from documentary style reporting, adventure seeking & 4x4 racing!

Two shows I especially enjoy watching are the team from All4Adventure (Jason & Simon) and the TV series hosted and produced by Pat Callinan.  Both shows are very different. Jason & Simon (All4Adventure) seek out adventure and remote fishing locations whilst Pat Callinan hosts a show that is more sedate and filled with 4x4 tips, easy locations for average 4x4 adventurer, plus plenty of product advertising for certain brands (sponsors primarily).

Recently Jason & Simon managed to make headlines around the globe as they rolled a vehicle whilst attempting a recovery. Recap on the video which went viral here:

Part 2 was released last week... Jason explains what happened.  A very impressive 2nd recovery and certainly not one I would have thought off.

Long may funding be available for 4x4 adventurers to continue to share stories!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Land Rover or Toyota: What happened in 2013?

Was Land Rover or Toyota the preferred vehicle choice in 2013 for independent trans-Africa overland travel?  In this blog post I outlined the preferred vehicle choice for 2013, average travel time in 2013 and a summary of different vehicles used over the last four years.

The Africa Overland Network was formally launched in September 2000 and currently has over 800 independent overland websites listed - this website provides an excellent base for actively monitoring overland trips departing per year.

Over the last decade of independent overland travel, the preferred vehicle has been Land Rover but in 2011, Toyota became the preferred vehicle of choice.  In 2012, Land Rover bounced back to claim the number 1 spot. What happened in 2013?

Here are the links to the previous overland website statistics: 2010 | 2011 | 2012

The 2013 Stats...

Land Rover and Toyota once again proved to be the most popular choice for overland travel in Africa (departing in 2013). A total of 53 websites are listed on the website (departure date in 2013), surprisingly the same number for 2012.  I acknowledge that I have probably missed a few trips (and websites) as its hard to keep updated and often travelers don't know about The Africa Overland Network.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Book Review: Gone Riding by Dom Giles

"Knowing about something, reading about it or seeing pictures of it is not the same as witnessing it." Gone Riding by Dom Giles
Dom Giles

Twitter, and other social media, is a neat way of broadening perspective... I follow a number of overland travelers on Twitter and enjoy reading the various updates and being introduced to other travelers via 'follow' recommendations. A recent follow introduction was adventure motorcycling author Dom Giles. His newly published book "Gone Riding" was launched in the UK in November 2013 and made for the ideal Christmas holiday read. A quick visit to Amazon and a Kindle version was winging its way to my device...
Gone Riding by Dom Giles
Quoting two paragraphs from Dom's book provides a good insight into his travel style, and in turn, how this is translated into his book:
"I’d always been a little suspicious of trips that had definitive start and end points: that whole ‘Alaska to Ushuaia’ or ‘Cape to Cairo’ thing. It might look and sound neat, beautifully packaged and bookended but it seems to be focusing more on the destinations than the journey." - Highlight Loc. 403-5
"The English anthropologist E. E. Evans-Pritchard said: “History is not a succession of events, it is the links between them,” and I think the same can be said about travelling. It shouldn’t be about where you start and where you finish as much as about what happens in between." - Highlight Loc. 405-7